Let's talk with Jim-san, who is the manager of bbspink.com. Please write your questions/opinions or something what you want to say in English. Although what you wrote containing spelling/grammatical errors, he might understand what u wanna say since Jim-san is very kind. If u cannot do it in English, proceed it in Japanese. Accommodating persons will translate/support it. *related thread Translation part2 http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1338696338/ Jim-san cap handles; Apparently admin ★ ◆enUEIWqQt2 ◆RnPZYQR9l19H ◆IamTAAl4HA prev. thread Let's talk with Jim-san. Part18 http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1299998629/
3 :
Sure, but many uses are been wavered the newspaper. Regards.
4 :
>>3 I think that is an old article. It disturbs me with the low class of the journalism. Newspaper business goes down by and by. They struggle with stories instead of real news until then.
Hello Mr. JIM In your bulletin board, the applicant has been well-intentioned, the deletion request has been abandoned. People you have appointed volunteer, please ask you to remove. If you can not prompt, please remove yourself. Delete permissions does nothing, it is desirable to be abandoned. Best regards
7 :
>>6 Hi Friend, I really don't understand this message. I don't think it translates well. I know you make many deletion request, and they are so exact and spot on. I see them.
8 :
linux test (Do not write Japanese.....;o
9 :
>>7 I'll be easy. Guidance to volunteer, please leave a request has been deleted. Volunteer, please do not accept the exclusion guidance. You have the authority to eliminate the volunteer. Thank you.
10 :
>>Jim-san In PINK, it is notifying within the PINK site policy about reproduction. I think that the proclamation about reproduction is good to inform about by the method of being more conspicuous. I will think of that text. What opinion does Jim-san have about this?
nginx httpd is also good. it has ngx_http_limit_conn_module.
32 :
>>30-31 I think we have fixed it. Just a little while ago.
33 :
I need to request an IP be released on 2ch. Could someone tell me the proper thread for that? The user has posted a bomb threat, and I have to release that. It is not protected speech.
>>33 Well, you need posting IP on *2ch thread*, like DDoS attacker? >>27 There're some way. 1) Report at blocking disscus board. http://qb5.2ch.net/sec2chd/ Create its theme thread. or 2) contact security team , security@2ch.net
39 :
Jim-san. there's an update for >>34-35. >>37 said; oh, the original source is in 2ch.net,,,,, then, it's out of reach for JACK. here is the place for disclosure of message posting log. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku2ch/1338264540/ (original thread title means 'seven days rule' thread. ) But, I have no idea how to request disclosure. then, following link might have another approach; http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku2ch/1338264540/1 please consult to the mail address; hello@2ch.net ----- とりあえず>>37を訳してみた。不適切ならコレを無視するようjimさんに言ったげて頂戴。>詳しく判りそうな人
40 :
>>38 たぶん支部案件なので、そこではないと思いますです。 Maybe, I think that that is different because that request is not a center matter and is a branch matter.
41 :
>>39 Thank you for that. It is appreciated. >>40 Well, it is definitely not protected speech. So I think it should be released. However since the security update. I have no idea how to do that.
Hello Mr. JIM Bulletin board that are managed by you, your ads are written in large quantities. I think a lot of ads are written, if you have to lead you to create ads, and will benefit the bbspink. Consider the corresponding benefit the bbspink. Best regards
46 :
>>45 Hey, do you know that BBSPINK accounting is deficit? If we could do such a thing, we might imrove the balance. You are uncivil for the deficit sponsor.
47 :
Some tabloid media reports that Hiroyuki is millionaire, So some user acts uncivilly. They don't understand that BBSPINK is not same as 2ch. Sorry.
48 :
>>46 Is this sentence to me? If so, you are not understand that I want said.
49 :
>>48 also, i couldn't understand it (=>45). please write your idea as of then in japanese. following are my tentative translation of >>45. Is this what you wanna say? (body only) 意訳あり。 Jimさん、あなたが運営する掲示板にはアドセンス広告がてんこ盛りです。 多くのアドセンス広告が書かれてるってことは、bbspinkはお金持ちなんでしょ。 もっと周囲の利益も慮ってやるべき。 (追加意見: Considerと命令調で書き出したのは相当に語気を荒げている、 強い要求的な文意と理解されますが、それがあなたの本意ですか?)
Let's talk how to minimalize BBSPINK deficit. He thinks that BBSPINK is cash-rich.
52 :
this is the same message of >>49, written in japanese. >>49に追記 >>48 自分にも >>45がいまひとつハッキリしない文意でしか理解できていません。 言わんとしたことを日本語で書いてもらえると、真意の補完というか応援の訳もできるんですが。 細かいこと言ってすまそ。ワタクシの理解力が足りないのは、、、ご容赦下さい。
53 :
Hello, Mr.Jim There is something to ask of Jim. There are categories of 11, such as "guidance and idle talk", the "area", and "erogame", in pinkbbs now. Please add the category "for women" (女性向け) here. During about 30 years, the eroticism for women increased suddenly. The place which a woman tells about them may be in pinkbbs. However, the place is surrounded by the place for many males, and the place for both men and women. Supposing there is a category "for women", I will tell in it naturally more happily than now. (My writing at that time will often become unsightly -- if it sees from a male.) Therefore, I expect that you add the category "for women." I have formed the plan of a board new together with the friend now. http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1338727355/262 A new board and it is "801saloon". "801saloon" is a board for the person who likes YAOI to talk. I plan to perform the wish about installation of "801saloon" at another opportunity anew. I consider that I want you to place "801saloon" into the category "for women." (日本語) こんにちは、ジムさん ジムさんにお願いがあります。 現在pinkbbsには「案内・雑談」「地域」「エロゲー」など11のカテゴリがあります。 ここに「女性向け」カテゴリを追加して下さい。 この30年ほど間に、女性向けのエロチック作品は急激に増えました。 それらについて女性が語る場所は、pinkbbsの中にあることはあります。 しかしその場所は多数の男性向けの場所や男女両方向けの場所に囲まれています。 もし「女性向け」カテゴリがあったなら、その中で私は今よりもっと自然に楽しく語るでしょう。 (その様子は時々みっともないものになるでしょう。私は考えます、それは男性達にとって不愉快なものだと。) だから私はあなたが「女性向け」カテゴリを追加することを希望します 私は今、仲間と一緒に新しい板の企画を立てています。 http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1338727355/ 新しい板、それは801サロンです。 801サロンとはやおいが好きな人が雑談するための板です。 "801サロン"の設置についてのお願いは別の機会に改めて行うつもりです。 私は"801サロン"を「女性向け」カテゴリの中に置いて欲しいと考えています。
54 :
>>53 This is a very good idea. As far as the deficit goes. Ero/Dumpae-san. You are out of line. The ads are the only thing that can pay for anything, and the ad program that I have built benefits the common man, instead of just greedy advertising agencies. If it pains your eyes to see this, then shame on you.
55 :
Mizuzuya-san, Thank you for your support.
56 :
Peekachu-san, thank you for your translations.
57 :
Wrong interpretation ! I am sad.
58 :
>>54 Since it was praised as "the good idea" and was given, I am glad. I am going to request work from someone who can work. May I say, "Permission was got from Mr.Jim" to the person?
59 :
>>58 This is not the first time I have said yes to this. Of course you have my permission. However this is not the proper thread to request a new board on. Please find the proper thread and ask there. Then people will discuss it with you.
60 :
>>59 I understand. I continue the talks towards the application of a new board. I thank you for your answering.
自夢さん Many swallows perform child care in Tokyo. I go over the sea without being at a loss. I am mysterious.
東京では沢山のツバメが子育てしています。 迷わないで海を越えてくる。不思議です。
63 :
>>62 I think that a part of that swallow passed the winter in the Philippines. Probably, the trip to Tokyo from the Philippines was long for that swallow. I think that that is wonder. そのツバメの一部はフィリピンで越冬したのでしょう。 ツバメにとって長旅でしょうねぇ、それは驚異だと思います。
64 :
I made the mistake. あ、(´・ω・`)
65 :
>>62 Maybe, I think that his contents are as follows. ----- Many parent swallows are rearing the baby now in Tokyo. They travel over the sea, without wavering. I feel that mysterious.
>>66 A subject is indispensable in English. A pronoun is often used in English. It will be strange English, if there is no subject when machine translation is used. 英語の場合は主語が必須で、代名詞が主語でよく使います。 機械翻訳を使う場合は、主語が無いと変な英語になります。 It will be as follows if >>65 of you is translated. >>65を翻訳するならば、以下のようになるでしょう。 ----- Thank you for your supplement. It is not good to be only machine translation. I am wondering about the trip of the swallow. That is how the direction is perceived and a meal of the trip.
68 :
I made the mistake again. (´・ω・`)
69 :
I thought the swallows would be at San Juan Capistrano this time of the year.
70 :
>>69 Does an American swallow take a long trip? A Japanese swallow takes a long trip from the Philippines, Taiwan, etc.
71 :
Yes Jack they do. I don't think the American ones stop in Taiwan, but they should. It is a beautiful place. When I was a young boy my parents took me to San Juan Capistrano. I saw the swallows. So much bird shit everywhere. heheheheh. I didn't understand they had just made such a long trip.
72 :
ほんやく >>69 わたしはSan Juan Capistranoに今の時期はいると思います。 訳注:San Juan Capistranoとはカルフォルニア州の都市 >>70 アメリカのツバメは長旅をしますか? 日本のツバメはフィリピンや台湾から長旅をして日本にいます。 >>71 わたしはアメリカのツバメは台湾に立ち寄らないと思います。 わたしが少年の頃に両親に連れられてSan Juan Capistranoに行きました。そこは美しい場所でした。 わたしはツバメと沢山のそこいら中にある鳥の糞を見ました。へへへ そのツバメが長旅をしたとわたしは理解していませんでした。
I was wondering if you(Jim-san) could: 1. setup a new board on BBS PINK. 2. transfer logs from 2ch to BBS PINK after 1. 3. set up the logs so that all the people can read them.
Moreover, could you check following “Changes in transfer to BBS PINK”? We would be grateful if you could reply. Thank you. ---------------------------------------- にほんご Jimさんこんにちは。 女向けゲー大人からきました。 女向けゲー大人の移転を許可してくれてありがとうございます。 Jimさんは板の設置やログの移動、そして訪問者がログを読めるように設定する作業はできますか? 2ch側からもログの移転を許可していただきました。 今私達は実作業が出来る方を探しています。 以下の作業をJimさんにしていただけないでしょうか? @PINK内に新板の設置 A@の作業の後、2chからPINKへのログ移動 Bログを読めるように設定する また次の「変更内容」も見てもらえませんか? お答えいただけたら嬉しいです。
81 :
■Changes in transfer to BBS PINK(変更内容) ・ID written(ID表示) ・BBS_NINJA=checked(忍法帳の導入) ・Category/folder/board names on BBS PINK(PINKへ移転する際のカテゴリとフォルダ名と板名)
Jim-san Is >>83 the reply to >>80-81? If so, do you think we should look for someone who performs technical work? (にほんご) ジムさん 83は80-81に対する返事でしょうか? もしそうなら、私達は実作業を行える人を探すべきですか?
>>97 the pix2ch.net is not hosting those files. I see them here in imgur. http://i.imgur.com/1++++.jpg I will send them an email, and I am sure they will delete them.