>>29 That will not work as not making a thread title into English well. かなぁ
31 :
That will not work as not making a thread title by English well. ちょっと修正
32 :
All your base are belong to us.
33 :
>>30-31 Thank you for your reply. 返信がある書き込みとは思ってなかったので 驚いてますww ・・・でも I'm so excited to see your name. 本当ですw いつもありがとうございます JACKさん、はじめ削除鯔の方々に敬意を込めて・・・XOXO 追記: It's good for nothing to give a thead's title in Japanese, isn't it? だとどんなかんじですか?
34 :
>>33 Yeah, I cant read the title. What does it say?
>>46 I wanted to test my new program here today, but of course we broke it before we could test it. Maybe tomorrow.
49 :
>>47 I saw a movie called Junior where a man had a baby.
50 :
>>35 返信ありがとうございます え?>>32, >>34 は一体どなたなのでしょう? さっぱい検討もつきません まさかkilaueaサーバなんてことは・・・Σ(゚Д゚*) I know we all belong to "kilauea".
51 :
>>50 The Goddess Pele comes from Kilauea. Maybe we should have put the 女神 board on the pele server.
52 :
>>48 あらら、I hope that that gets good tomorrow. >>50 まぁ、女神板はJimさんのお気に入りですからねぇ
53 :
>>51 Wow! Pele comes here? Be careful not to become like ohia lehua.
54 :
>>51 I have to go. Nice to talk to you. Now I am so exciting to meet you here. I appreciate all you are supporting for us. Thank you, Jim さん XOXO
55 :
>>54 You are welcome. Thank you for chatting. I will go to bed now.
56 :
I am liking hissi.org it is useful. However the posts are all over and not organized. Would it be possible/practical to make them their own thread, and put all the hissi.org posts on that thread?
57 :
>>56 I like that and think that I am interesting. I approve of using that.
58 :
>>57 その人たちは明瞭さをよしとする。 You are a great human Jack-san.
>>64 Thank you for thinking about me...:) >>63 Disgusting news sensationalism. They are just harrassing. It is sad that they do such things. There is no data that can identify who posts from Maru accounts. There is no Maru log. Let's make news today. I think the police are paid by the TV and Asahi news to make news that will get them readers and ratings.