揚羽本手 (あげはほんて) 男の腰や胴に絡んだ女の脚の動く様を蝶に例えている。 Butterfly The woman's legs, wrapped around the man's body, go up and down as they hump on, which look like fluttering butterfly wings.
56 :
網代本手 (あじろほんて) 仰向けになった女が膝を曲げて開脚した間に男が割って入る。 Fish Trap The woman lies on her back with her bent legs spread wide. The man places himself on top of the woman and penetrates her, which is the very standard missionary position.
57 :
入り船本手 (いりふねほんて) 男は膝立ちして、女の腰に手をまわして、その体を支える。 女は後ろ手をついて上半身を浮かせる。別名、吊り橋。 Inbound Boat The man kneels down and holds the woman by the waist. The woman leans back and supports herself with her hands on the floor. Also known as "Tsuribashi" (Suspension Bridge).
58 :
壽本手 (ことぶきほんて) 膝をついて体を起こし気味にした男が肘を伸ばして両手を床につけ、 上半身を女の体から離す。女の両脚を上げさせて、上から突いて責める。 Good Fortune The man kneels down, leans forward and supports his upper body with his hands on the floor. The woman lies down on her back, spreads her legs and shoots them upward. He penetrates her from above, keeping his upper body away from her.
59 :
笹船本手 (ささふねほんて) 女は両脚を閉じて膝を曲げる。その上から男が押しつぶすようにして乗りかかる。 Small Boat The woman lied on her back with her legs closed and bends her knees. The man penetrates her from above, almost crushing her.
60 :
深山本手 (みやまほんて) 膝立ちになった男が、仰向けになった女の脚をつかんで開かせ、 それを高く持ち上げたまま挿入する。 High Mountains The woman lies on her back. The man stands on his knees, thrusts up her legs and penetrates her.
61 :
俵抱き本手 (たわらだきほんて) 仰向けになった女の尻を抱え取って挿入。下つきの女陰も上等な上つきの味になる。 別名、うけあし。女に腰枕を当てれば同様の効果あり。 Lifting the Bale The man lifts the woman by her hips and mounts her. This results in her thrusting up her pubic mound, which in turn brings about a better fit. The same effects can be attained by placing a pillow under her hips or placing her ass on the man's lap. Also known as "Uke Ashi" (Seating her on his lap).
本茶臼 (ほんちゃうす) 仰向けに横たわった男の上に向かい合って女が跨り、上半身を前屈みに倒す。 女が自由に腰を使い、それに合わせて男が突き上げて責める。別名、海老。 Authentic Tea-grinding Mill The man lies on his back. The woman, facing the man, straddles him and then leans forward. Also known as "Ebi" (Lobster).
Stretched Tea-grinding Mill The man lies on his back with both his legs stretched out. Facing the man, the woman lays herself on top of him with her legs closed and stretched straight.
65 :
茶臼がらみ (ちゃうすがらみ) 茶臼 (対面座位)で、女が男の腰に両脚を絡めて、両腕は男の首に回す。 男は女の尻を両手ですくい上げて支える。すなわち、抱きついてきた女を、完全にダッコしてしまう状態。 Cuddled Tea-grinding Mill The man sits on the floor, bed or chair. The woman squats down, facing him, onto the man's penis. The man scoops her up by the hips, which gives him absolute control over the rhythm and depth of penetration.
66 :
筏茶臼 (いかだちゃうす) 仰向けになった男の上から女が体を伸ばして密着し、ゆったりと腰を使う。 Raft-style Tea-grinding Mill The man lies on his back. The woman lays herself on top of him face-to-face, stretches out her legs and slowly humps him.
67 :
織り茶臼 (おりちゃうす) 男は仰向けで脚を開く。向かい合って腰を下ろした女の両手を男がとって、 バランスが崩れないよう支えてやる。女が織り手、そして男が機織り機。 Weaving Tea-grinding Hand Mill The man lies down on his back and spreads his legs. As the woman sits on top of him, the man takes her hands and helps her keep her balance. The woman weaves on the loom, that is, her man.
68 :
鏡茶臼 (かがみちゃうす) 男と女が向かい合って座り、それぞれ手を後ろについて体を支えるながらお互いの脚をからませて励む体位。 Mirrored Tea-grinding Mill The man and woman sit facing each other, stretch their legs forward, lean back and make love. They each support themselves with their hands on the floor. Seen from the side, they form a mirrored symmetry.
Drizzling Tea-grinding Mill The man lies on his back. Facing him, the woman straddles him and keeps her upper body erect, which position enables the man to enjoy watching her love juice drizzle out of her crotch. Also known as "Hyakuhei" (Tightly Closed Lids).
70 :
忍び居茶臼 (しのびいちゃうす) 男はあぐらをかいて後ろ手で体を支える。女は対面で男に抱きつき、腰を落として挿入する。 別名、櫓 (やぐら) がけ。 Restrained Tea-grinding Mill The man sits cross-legged. The woman squats, facing him, onto his penis. Also known as "Yaguragake" (On the Tower).
71 :
月見茶臼 (つきみちゃうす) 仰向けになった男の上から逆向きで女がまたがって腰を下ろす。 「本茶臼」とは正反対に、女の上半身は、男の足の方に前傾。 男も女も同じ方向の月を眺めることができるという由来から「月見茶臼」。 別名は、後ろ茶臼、乗せどり、帆掛け船、帆かけどり、花筏。 Moon-viewing Tea-grinding Mill The man lies down on his back. The woman straddles him with her back turned on him. She leans forward toward his feet. This position enable the two to enjoy viewing the moon in the window together as they will be facing the same direction. Also known as "Ushiro Chausu" (Reversed Tea-grinding Mill), "Nosedori" (Doing it aboard), "Hokakebune" (Sailboat), "Hokakedori" (Doing it sailboat-style) or "Hana Ikada" (Flower Raft).
72 :
帆かけ茶臼 (ほかけちゃうす) 男は両脚を投げ出して座る。女は向かい合わせになって股を広く開けて、尻を男の股に乗せる。 男は女の両脚を抱えて引き寄せる。別名、居茶臼、または座り茶臼。 Sailboat Tea-grinding Mill The man sits with his legs stretched out. The woman sits opposite the man, places her hips onto him and spreads her legs wide apart. The man puts both hands under either her lower back or legs and draws her to him. Also known as "Ichausu" or "Suwari Chausu" (Sitting Tea-grinding Hand Mill).
73 :
下がり藤 (さがりふじ) 茶臼がらみ (女が男の腰に両脚を絡める対面座位) になった女の両脚を男が両手ですくい上げ、 女の腰を浮かせてやる体位。挿入の深浅は男の意のまま。 Hanging Wisteria The man sits on the floor or bed. The woman squats down, facing him, onto the man's penis. The man scoops her up by the thighs, which gives him absolute control over the rhythm and depth of penetration.
74 :
獅子舞 (ししまい) 鏡茶臼 (男女対面に座してそれぞれ後ろ手をついて脚を絡める)の状態から、 女が両脚を上げて男の肩に掛ける体位。別名、「狂獅子」。 Lion Dance Facing each other, the man and woman sit with their legs extended. The man lifts her legs so that they are spread wide on his shoulders. Also known as "Kurui Jishi" (Mad Lion).
押し車 (おしぐるま) うつぶせにして前で両手を床につかせた女の両脚をすくい上げた状態で後ろから挿入。 Pushcart The woman lies on her stomach. The man approaches her from behind , lifts her by the thighs and penetrates her. She supports her upper body with her hands on the floor.
77 :
抱えどり (かかえどり) 正座した男の上に、背を向けた女を座らせて、挿入。女の脇の下から手を回し、女を固定する。 こうされることで、腰を後ろに突き出し、胸を前に張り出した女の姿が鶴を思わせることからの命名。 別名、すくい上げ、鶴の羽交い締め、鶴の羽返し。 Holding the Bird The man sits with his legs tucked under him. Turning her back on him, the woman sits on his lap. While making love, the man pins her down from behind by looping his arms under her armpits. Forced to thrust her rear end toward man while her shoulders are pulled back, the woman's upper body arches back. This makes her look like a crane held from behind. Also known as "Sukui-age" (Scooping up), "Tsuru-no Hagai-jime" (Immobilizing the Crane) or "Tsuru-no Ha-gaeshi" (Holding back the Crane's wings).
78 :
裾野 (すその) 女をうつぶせにしておいてから、片脚を曲げさせ、もう片脚は伸ばさせる。 男は背後から女に覆い被さって、挿入。 Foot of the mountain The woman is laid belly-down with one of her legs tucked up towards her stomach. The man embraces her from behind and penetrates her.
79 :
抱き上げ (だきあげ) 男は膝立ちになって、前で手を突いている女を腿で持ち上げ、背後から挿入。 Lift-up The woman lies on her belly with both her arms and legs stretched. The man approaches her from behind on his knees and lifts her by the thighs while she supports her upper body with her hands on the floor.
80 :
ひよどり越え (ひよどりごえ) 四つんばいにさせた女の背後から、膝立ちになって挿入。 尻もしくは腰をつかんで引き寄せながら、リズムをつけて責める。 別名、畜生どり、または出船後取。 Riding down the Cliff The woman is on her fours. The man penetrates her from behind good old doggy-style. Also known as "Chikusho-dori" (Like Beasts) , "Ushiro-dori" (From Behind) or "Defune Atodori" (Doing-it-from-behind Outbound Ship).
81 :
つぶし駒掛け (つぶしこまがけ) 「ひよどり越え」でキチンと四つんばいになっていた女が、 つぶれて腹這いとなって尻だけを高く突き上げているところを後ろから責める。 別名、入り船後ろとり。 Taming of the Shrew The woman lies on her belly with her hips raised. The man mounts her from behind. Also known as "Irifune Ushirodori" (Doing-it-from-behind Inbound Ship)
Plunging down the Cliff The woman lies on her stomach. Approaching her from behind, the man lifts her by the legs and puts them over his shoulders. Holding her upside down, he performs cunnilingus on her.
83 :
燕返し (つばめがえし) 男は片膝をついて女の背後に回り込む。 女をうつ俯せにしておいてから、その片脚を後ろに引き上げ、肩にかつぐ。 この時、女の体は背と腰が反り返る。女の体が逃げないよう、片手で肩もしくは腕をつかんで引き寄せておく。 女の下になっている脚をまたいだ状態で挿入。 Flying Swallow The woman lies on her stomach. The man positions himself behind her with one of his knees touching the floor. He lifts one of her legs and places it on his shoulder. Sitting over her stretched leg, he penetrates her. The woman's body is then shaped into a graceful swallow in flight.
Back of the Tower The woman stands, puts her hands against the wall for support and bends over. Now that her rear end is invitingly positioned, she is ready to be mounted from behind,.
Behind the Nock The man approaches the standing woman from behind. He lifts one of her legs by the thigh and penetrates her.
87 :
櫓立ち (やぐらだち) 向かい合って立つ。男が女の尻または膝をもって完全に抱え上げて挿入する。 現代名、駅弁体位。別名、止り蝉、みこし、など。 Standing Tower The man and woman stand facing each other. With both his hands the man holds the woman and lifts her up off the floor. The woman clings tightly to him and the man penetrates her as her pubic mound is pressed hard against him. Also known as "Tomari Zemi" (Cicada on the Tree), "Mikoshi" (Portable Shrine) or "Ekiben" (Box Lunch Vendor).
88 :
立ちかなえ (たちかなえ) 立ったまま対面に向かい合う。女が片脚を上げ、それを男が片手ですくい上げて挿入。 別名、蝉がけ、鯉の滝登り、立ちどり、など。 Tripod The man and woman stand facing each other. The man scoops up one of her legs and then proceeds to penetrate her. Also known as "Semigake" (Cicada on the tree), "Koi-no-Takinobori" (Carp swimming up the waterfall) or "Tachi Dori" (Doing it standing up).
89 :
立て膝とり (たてひざとり) 男女対面で抱き合って、膝立ちをする。そのままの形で挿入して楽しむ。 Knee Brace The man and woman stand on their knees face-to-face. In this position they make love, embracing each other tightly.
Bottom of the Altar The woman stands and leans forward till her hands touch the floor. The man penetrates her from behind. Also known as "Ushiro Yagura" (Back of the Tower), which can be another variation on the stand-up position, or "Oh Watashi" (Grand Crossing).
Assault on the Chessboard The woman stands, leans forward and puts her hands on a low table for support. The man penetrates her from behind.
92 :
立ち松葉 (たちまつば) 立った状態の男が、女の両脚をつかんで逆さづりにする。 開いた女の脚を開かせ、それをまたいだ状態で上から挿入する。 Perpendicular Pine Needles The man stands up, grabs the woman by the ankles, lifts her up, holds her upside down, crosses one of his legs over her crotch and penetrates her.
横どり (よこどり) 脚を閉じて横向きになった女の背後から挿入。 Doing-it Sideways The woman lies on her side with her legs closed. The man penetrates her from behind.
95 :
零松葉 (こぼれまつば) 女は仰向けか、横臥。背後から男が上半身を離して直角に挿入。 女の片脚は男の胴の上に乗せる。男は上になった脚で女の股を割る。 Scattered Pine Needles The woman either lies on her side or on her back. The man penetrates her from behind with his upper body away from hers. The woman puts one of her legs over his waist.
Crisscross Pine Needles The woman lies on her back. The man stands on his knees, straddles one of her legs and lifts up her other leg.
98 :
松葉反り (まつばぞり) 横向きになっている女の背後から、その股を割るよう男が膝を入れて挿入。
Curved Pine Needles The woman lies on her side. The man on his knees approaches her from behind, crisscrosses his legs with hers and holds her leg up to facilitate penetration.
Moon in the Window The woman lies on her side while the man penetrates her from behind with his front pressed against her back. This position enable the two to enjoy viewing the moon in the window together as they will be facing the same direction. Also known as "Kake Kuzure" (Pushing from behind).